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How to Say "Stay" in Morse Code?

Morse code for "Stay" is:

... - .- -.--

Breaking down "Stay" into Morse code

In Morse code alphabet, each letter uses different combinations of dots and dashes. Here is a guide to the individual letters in "Stay":

  1. S: ... (di di dit)
  2. T: - (dah)
  3. A: .- (di dah)
  4. Y: -.-- (dah di dah dah)

Stay in Morse Code

What Was "Stay" in Morse Code in Interstellar?

When the movie Interstellar was released, many people became curious about the Morse code featured in the film.

In the movie, the protagonist Cooper communicates with his daughter Murph by sending the message "STAY" in Morse code (... - .- -.--) along with the coordinates to NASA's secret facility. In that scene, in the Tesseract, Cooper tries to prevent his younger self from leaving Earth.

This scene is important to the space movie, and fans of the film wanted to decode Morse code to understand the movie better. However, some viewers have questioned how Murph managed to learn Morse code at such a young age.

The Morse code used in Interstellar is International Morse code. Do not get it confused with American Morse code - the two systems are different! American Morse code was the original Morse code developed for the electric telegraph, but it is now rarely used.