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How to Say "Good Night" in Morse Code?

Morse code for "Good Night" is:

--. --- --- -.. / -. .. --. .... -

Breaking down "Good Night" into Morse code

In Morse code alphabet, each letter uses different combinations of dots and dashes. Here is a guide to the individual letters in "Good Night":

  1. G: --. (dah dah dit)
  2. O: --- (dah dah dah)
  3. O: --- (dah dah dah)
  4. D: -.. (dah di dit)
  5. Space: /
  6. N: -. (dah dit)
  7. I: .. (di dit)
  8. G: --. (dah dah dit)
  9. H: .... (di di di dit)
  10. T: - (dah)

Good Night in Morse Code

Why Would You Say "Good Night" in Morse Code?

Morse code was originally used for telegrams and radio communication, but nowadays many use it in creative ways, and writing sweet messages to loved ones is one of them.

Like "I Love You" and "I Miss You", you may want to express your feelings in Morse code as it can add a romantic or unique touch to your message.

If you want to say "Good Night" in Morse code in different ways:

  • NN (abbreviation for "Night Night"): -. -.
  • GN (abbreviation for "Good Night"): --. -.
  • Sweet Dreams: ... .-- . . - / -.. .-. . .- -- ...