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How to Say "Good Morning" in Morse Code?

Morse code for "Good Morning" is:

--. --- --- -.. / -- --- .-. -. .. -. --.

Breaking down "Good Morning" into Morse code

In Morse code alphabet, each letter uses different combinations of dots and dashes. Here is a guide to the individual letters in "Good Morning":

  1. G: --. (dah dah dit)
  2. O: --- (dah dah dah)
  3. O: --- (dah dah dah)
  4. D: -.. (dah di dit)
  5. Space: /
  6. M: -- (dah dah)
  7. O: --- (dah dah dah)
  8. R: .-. (di dah dit)
  9. N: -. (dah dit)
  10. I: .. (di dit)
  11. N: -. (dah dit)
  12. G: --. (dah dah dit)

Good Morning in Morse Code